General school code of conduct
- Students will show respect for themselves, other students, adults, and property.
- Students will always exhibit appropriate language and behavior.
- Students will follow all classroom rules and rules established by the district.
- Dangerous or disruptive behavior is not acceptable and may result in suspension.
Positive consequences for following the code of conduct
- Improved self-esteem
- Awards and Certificates
- Incentive Activities
- Assemblies
- Better Grades
- Respect for other Students.
- Respect for Teachers
- Respect for Parents
- Student of the Week
- Classroom Parties/Activities
- Greater Freedom
Consequences for not following the code of conduct
- Step One: 1st warning- Warning with an explanation by the teacher of what future consequences will bring.
- Step Two: 2nd Warning- Loss of privileges or consequences appropriate to behavior.
- Step Three: 3rd Warning- Time out in another classroom. Conference with principal, parent, teacher, and student. Student placed on an individual contract.
- Step Four: 4th Warning- May result in automatic suspension from school. Principal will determine the severity of the infraction.