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Code of Conduct

General school code of conduct

  1. Students will show respect for themselves, other students, adults, and property.
  2. Students will always exhibit appropriate language and behavior.
  3. Students will follow all classroom rules and rules established by the district.
  4. Dangerous or disruptive behavior is not acceptable and may result in suspension.

Positive consequences for following the code of conduct

  1. Improved self-esteem
  2. Awards and Certificates
  3. Incentive Activities
  4. Assemblies
  5. Better Grades
  6. Respect for other Students.
  7. Respect for Teachers
  8. Respect for Parents
  9. Student of the Week
  10. Classroom Parties/Activities
  11. Greater Freedom

Consequences for not following the code of conduct

  • Step One: 1st warning- Warning with an explanation by the teacher of what future consequences will bring.
  • Step Two: 2nd Warning- Loss of privileges or consequences appropriate to behavior.
  • Step Three: 3rd Warning- Time out in another classroom. Conference with principal, parent, teacher, and student. Student placed on an individual contract.
  • Step Four: 4th Warning- May result in automatic suspension from school. Principal will determine the severity of the infraction.